Michele Klinger Michele Klinger

Its Me….Hi!

My name is Michele, and if you’re anything like me, you immediately started singing the rest of the chorus this post title is referencing. I’m a 33 year old living in NYC, and I never considered writing a blog until I was challenged with finding passion and joy.

When I lost my job of 6 years this past summer, I went from appreciating having my life back to wondering what comes next. As anyone whose been on the job hunt knows, the stress and anxieties of it all can be a lot to cope with. I’ve had days where I can go about life as is, accepting whatever comes next and letting the journey happen. On the flip side, there have been many days where it doesn’t seem like there would be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Even on those darkest of days, there would always be something that helped me see that there is light after all. This is what this space will be about. I have learned over the last few months that not every day will be a monumental celebration or the best day ever. We can find joy in the small things that make us happy. A favorite treat, a nice engagement with a friend, or a good song can help completely turn a day around. I want to share the things that bring me joy and “ignite my spark”, and I hope you all will come along for the ride.

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